Creating folders for your content

Folders are used to sort your content.  By default, the Content library has one folder called Media & Templates

This is the root level for each library. Creating folders is completely optional and there are no hard rules to follow. 

You can create folders based on project names, tasks, content types (images, videos, templates, etc…).

Folders can have any number of sub-folders. In the example below, we have a folder called Corporate with a series of sub-folders for content in various languages.

Creating a folder

Creating a folder structure for your content is quick and easy.

  • To create a new folder at the top level of your library, right-click on the MEDIA & TEMPLATE tab on the left side of the Content library window.
  • To create a new sub-folder under an existing one, right-click the name of the folder you want to create the new folder in.

Select Add > Folder.

Name your new folder and click OK to complete this step.

Your new folder is added to the list.

When navigating your folder structure, always look at the title bar on the right side of the Content library window. 

It will always show the name of the currently selected folder.  Also, clicking on a folder's tab will highlight the tab in gray.

Removing a folder

To remove a folder, right click on its name and select Remove.

Click OK in the popup window to deleted the folder permanently.

Copying/pasting a folder

To copy a folder, right click on its name and select Copy.

To paste a folder, right click on its name and select Paste.

The duplicated folder will appear where you pasted it.

 If you paste the folder inside another one, you will create a sub-folder.

Renaming folders

Hover on any folder to show the edit properties icon.

Click the icon to open the properties window.

Click OK to confirm your changes.

Moving content between folders

Use the Cut and Paste method (right-click pop-up menu) to to move content between folders.

Right click the item you wish to move and then select Cut.

Next, click on the folder where you want to move the content to select it.

Right-click inside the right pane (in the folder itself) and select Paste.

Your content will appear in the folder.

Alternative method (moving content between folders)

You can drag content from one folder to the next.  Content will be moved where it has been dropped.

Moving multiple content at the same time

Select multiple content items by holding down the control (Ctrl) key while you click each item.

(note, holding shift instead of the control key works too).

Selected items will be highlighted in gray.

Use the same methods outlined above (cut and paste, drag and drop) to move your content.

NOTE: Multi-select works for other uses such as duplicating or moving content.