Searching for Players

QL Content Manager features a powerful search engine.

Users can search for players based on:

  • A complete or partial player or group name.
  • A meta tag assigned to any player.

Searching is a quick way to select one or more players, especially when you have a very large network.  The search feature lets you filter the number of players you can see in the window.  If you search based on the name of a group (or sub-group), all the players contained in the group will be automatically selected.  No other player will be shown as long as the search is active.

To search for players, click the search in the upper right-hand corner of the Player window.

Type your search keyword and hit Enter.

The search results will appear below.  The Player window’s background will turn gray to indicate the window is showing filtered content.

To return to the default view, click the small X left of the search field.

Default view.